How to calculate a plaster consumption rotband on 1 sq.m: theory and online calculator

Specified on packing by producer of plaster rotband: the expense on 1 sq.m has the nature of approximate. In article we sort as by means of this indicator to calculate how much plaster mix of the rodbant it is necessary to get for performance of repair or finishing works whether it is possible to reduce an expense without deterioration.

How to calculate a plaster consumption rotband on 1 m 2

Among technical characteristics of plaster mixes on packing of plaster plaster of KNAUF rotband there is a consumption rate of dry mix on a covering of the area of 1 sq.m at a thickness of putting solution of 1 cm. This size is given in order that builders or owners of the real estate could calculate requirement of plaster rotband on 1 square meter of the plastered surface in advance and also for all plaster works.

It is necessary to understand that the expense specified in characteristics of plaster mix rotband was defined in the conditions of production laboratory where professional plasterers of the company were engaged in drawing a plaster covering. Besides, mixing of plaster solution was carried out with an exact dosage of the mix and water providing the normalized cone draft that usually in the conditions of construction is not observed. On building or in the private house:

  1. Conditions of mixing can differ from laboratory.
  2. Qualification of plasterers on objects is various.
  3. The basis surface seldom represents the geometrical plane, ideal for plastering.

The spent amount of plaster mix in practice is defined by several factors:

  • basis surface geometry (the curvilinear surfaces having convexity demand bigger amount of material, than flat, and bent — smaller);
  • type of material of the basis (brick walls, thanks to masonry seams, demand for alignment of bigger amount of mix, than equal reinforced concrete);
  • texture of the basis (on the porous bases the expense increases);
  • the size of roughness of a wall surface (the filled-up walls, height of hillocks and hollows which need to be leveled – directly influence a consumption of plaster plaster);
  • in the way of preparation, and then and mix laying (the porosity of plaster weight and a covering mechanically and manually differ, therefore, razen an expense);
  • ability of the plasterer;
  • by plastering method (by a bezmayachny method receive quality of a surface below, than plastering on beacons, in the second case the expense is higher).

All these factors and the investigation they in the form of exact definition of a real consumption of plaster mix cannot be defined in advance. It is possible to calculate its most probable value only.

For this purpose carry out measurements of geometry of the basis (the surface area, size of their deviation in various points from design), calculate the average size of a layer of draft plaster, calculate need of structure on the basis of the expense size specified by the producer. The expense can be estimated, having used our online calculator of an expense.

Work with the calculator

The calculator offered for definition of a consumption of plaster rotband on 1 sq.m of a wall considers the expenditure indicator given by the producer.

The user needs to enter the data into windows:

  • length of walls on perimeter;
  • height of walls;
  • existence of windows and doors indoors;
  • amount of mix in one bag;
  • average thickness of a plaster coat.

The result gives the calculator in kilograms for the bases with rather plain surface. The calculator multiplies the received value by 1.15 (the coefficient considering big deviations).

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